GPS tracking with numerous interfaces
In order to seamlessly use the data of your existing IT landscape in geoCapture as well, the system offers numerous interfaces to other software providers. Thus, data can be exchanged via XML, JSON, CSV, KML or in other formats.
Thanks to the numerous partnerships between geoCapture and other software providers, we can already offer you many interfaces. Find out about other business, sales and technology partners of ours.
geoCapture is a member of OpenTelematics e.V. - the standard of the future when it comes to telematics interfaces.
geoCapture already offers numerous interfaces to your existing programs:
- 123erfasst
- AGIL (payroll)
- Baufaktura (Huonker building software)
- BPS Software (building software)
- BRZ (building software)
- BMD (payroll)
- Consoir Beta
- CP Pro - Gerüstbau Office
- DATAflor Business (GaLaBau)
- DataLine (payroll)
- DATEV (payroll)
- EasyTec
- Engel Haustechnik (payroll)
- GDI Lohn (payroll)
- Gerüstbau-Office (CP-Pro)
- Greenware
- IN-Software (handicraft)
- KS21
- KWP (handicraft)
- Label Software (handicraft)
- Lexware (payroll)
- Mexxsoft
- MF-Dach (handicraft)
- M-Soft (handicraft)
- Mosaik (calculation)
- Nova Line (payroll)
- PDS (handicraft)
- Powerbird (electrician software)
- Qomet (metal handicraft)
- Rita Bosse
- RZA lohn.easy (payroll)
- SAGE Lohn XL (payroll)
- Sage 50 (handicraft)
- Streit
- Syka-Soft (SHK software)
- Taifun (handicraft)
- Topkontor blueSolution (time tracking)
- VRG HR Baulohn (payroll)
- Winworker (payroll)
- Wolters Kluwer
- (payroll)
- galawork
If you need an interface for your software, please contact us.

DATEV software is used by many tax consultants and customers to create payrolls. Cost accounting is also used in many companies.
GeoCapture offers interfaces to DATEV so that wage hours, allowances or vehicle kilometers do not have to be entered manually. This is a real relief for your accounting department.
Vehicle kilometers are automatically distributed to the projects. It couldn't be simpler.
- DATEV Wage and Salary
- DATEV LODAS (Standard)
- DATEV LODAS (calendar)
- Vehicle kilometers per project (automatic distribution)
OpenTelematics e.V.
geoCapture is a member of OpenTelematics e.V. OpenTelematics defines a uniform interface to telematics systems. geoCapture also offers this interface to its customers and partners.
In the future, OpenTelematics will be the definitive standard when it comes to connecting telematics systems. When purchasing software, therefore, pay attention to the support of the OpenTelematics standard.
If your software partner does not yet support OpenTelmatics, we will be happy to provide advice, documentation and a test environment.

Numerous companies in the construction and ancillary trades rely on the powerful software from BPS. GeoCapture offers various interfaces to BPS Construction and provides important data for post-calculation.
- Import addresses (SQL / ODBC)
- Import employees (SQL / ODBC)
- Export working hours (SQL / ODBC)
- Export operating hours (SQL / ODBC)
The interface between geoCapture and BPS software offers you many advantages:
- minimal administration effort
- exact working hours
- exact machine hours
- direct data transfer
Interface to construction machinery - ISO 15143-3
With the ISO 15143-3 interface, renowned construction machinery manufacturers have agreed on a uniform standard for the exchange of location and telemetry data for construction machinery.
geoCapture supports ISO 15143-3 and is able to import GPS and telemetry data such as operating hours, fuel consumption, tank capacity, idle and others.
So our customers can also use the data of the factory installed GPS tracker of the manufacturers without problems and work as usual with geoCapture. A tiresome change between the systems is no longer necessary and you have a complete overview of your machinery. You also save the installation of another GPS tracker.

Over 5000 companies from the GaLaBau sector rely on DATAflor software.
Via a specially developed DATAflor interface, it is possible to use all the advantages of GPS positioning from geoCapture in DATAflor as well. As a DATAflor user, you do not have to switch back and forth between two systems.
In addition, you can use all the advantages of the GPS positioning data from geoCapture. In addition, in Dataflor you can see the position data of your beacons directly on a map in DATAflor. Both beacons and vehicles are displayed in the device master.
Furthermore, geoCapture is able to import complete tables from your databases (e.g. customers, suppliers, orders) and keep them synchronous. For this purpose geoCapture uses SQL database interfaces and supports a multitude of manufacturers:
- mySQL
- Oracle
- IBM iSeries DB2 (AS400, i5)
- FireBird
- and much more
To access your databases directly, a VPN tunnel to your server is established. Through this tunnel, the data is synchronized regularly without anyone having to intervene.
Rest API
There are also numerous APIs for exchanging data via web service in JSON, CSV or other formats.
- XML file format
- JSON file format
- Driving distances/stops
- map display
- and much more
We use similar techniques to send data back to your software. We also offer a variety of interfaces.
If you have special requirements, we can implement them quickly and easily for you. If your desired interface is not included, please contact us!