Tool with permanently installed beacon technology



Tool tracking systems from different manufacturers are not compatible with each other. Tools from manufacturer A cannot be found in the software of manufacturer B. Thus, customers are forced to install a variety of apps and applications.

With geoCapture's unique driver concept, you can utilize the tracking solutions of all reputable tool manufacturers in just one software. This way, you remain independent of the tool manufacturer and free to purchase your devices. When it comes to tools, functionality and quality should be the focus – not the manufacturer. GeoCapture offers this independence and will continue to allow you to freely choose your tools.

By using built-in or existing tracking technology from manufacturers, geoCapture's tool tracking is ready for use more quickly. GeoCapture offers far more features and possibilities than any system from tool manufacturers. Don't just track your tools, but also take advantage of a complete telematics software.

geoCapture utilizes built-in manufacturer technology. This makes the system reliable, low-maintenance, and tamper-proof. No other system offers this function across manufacturers. By using swarm intelligence (Crowd-GPS), geoCapture provides better theft protection. If a tool is lost, the entire geoCapture community helps with the search.

Stay independent and future-proof with geoCapture.

Model description Models Type of construction State of charge Operating h Temperature Other information Product image
Rechargeable battery AP300S, AP500S in battery X X - Bluetooth must be activated on the battery.

Stihl Akku AP500S

Backpack battery AR2000L*, AR3000L in the battery X - - Bluetooth must be activated on the battery.

Stihl rückentragbarer Akku AR3000L

Beacon SmartConnector 1&2 Beacon X X -  

Stihl Smart Connector 1

Stihl Smart Connector 2A



Overview of the manufacturers supported by geoCapture.

* Models marked with an asterisk are tested in advance. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

If your manufacturer is not listed, please contact us.


Smart Stihl batteries are usually marked with the suffix "S" at the end. The Bluetooth function must be activated manually.

Model description Models Type of construction State of charge Operating h Temperature Other information Product image
Rechargeable battery AP300S, AP500S in battery X X - Bluetooth must be activated on the battery.

Stihl Akku AP500S

Backpack battery AR2000L, AR3000L in the battery X - - Bluetooth must be activated on the battery.

Stihl rückentragbarer Akku AR3000L

Beacon SmartConnector 1&2 Beacon X X -  

Stihl Smart Connector 1

Stihl Smart Connector 2A




Hilti tools become visible by attaching a smart tag (beacon).

Model description Models Type of construction Battery Operating h Temperature Other information Product image
Smart tag T380 Beacon X - - No longer sold. Hilti T380
Smart tag T320 Beacon X - X Hilti T320


The professional tool series from Bosch allows the installation of an internal beacon. External beacons must be fitted to all other tools.

Model description Models Type of construction Battery Operating h Temperature Other information Product image
External beacon GCC 30 Beacon X - - No longer distributed. Bosch GCC 30
Internal Beacon GCY 42 in the device - - - Can be retrofitted. Interner Beacon Bosch GCY 42


Model description Models Type of construction State of charge Operating h Temperature Other information Product image
Beacon Fleet Sensor Beacon - - -


Smart tools from Milwaukee are marked with the addition ONE-KEY™.

Model description Models Type of construction State of charge Operating h Temperature Other information Product image
Beacon TICK Beacon - - - Milwaukee Beacon TICK
ONE-KEY™ devices MXF, M12, M18 in the device - - - Milwaukee ONEKEY Schlagschrauber


At Festool, the Bluetooth function is built into the battery. As soon as the battery is connected to a device, the device ID is also transmitted.

Model description Models Type of construction State of charge Operating h Temperature Other information Product image
Battery 3.0 Ah in battery X - X Festool Akku 3,0 Ah inkl. Bluetooth
Battery 4.0 Ah in battery X - X Festool Akku 4,0 Ah inkl. Bluetooth
Battery 5.0 Ah in battery X - X Festool Akku 5,0 Ah inkl. Bluetooth
Battery 8.0 Ah in battery X - X Festool Akku 8,0 Ah inkl. Bluetooth


Nanolink offers three beacons for attaching to devices and tools.

Model description Models Type of construction State of charge Operating h Temperature Other information Product image
Beacon BT40 Beacon - - -   Nanolink Beacon
Beacon BT80 Beacon      -         -            X  



Smart Würth batteries are labeled with the addition "W-CONNECT." 

Description Models Type Charge Level Operating Hours Temperature Other Product Image
Battery Battery Li-Ion 18 Volt M-CUBE W-CONNECT in Battery - - - -


Beacon W-Connect Tracker Beacon - - - -


Enquire now!

Would you like to use beacon technology and combine your green devices in one system? Please get in touch with us.