Sage Interface
SAGE is the third largest provider of business solutions worldwide and is particularly active in the medium-sized business sector. geoCapture offers an interface to SAGE Payroll XL, Sage50 Handwerk, and Sage HR Suite Plus to transfer working hours and import projects. This saves a lot of time and money in practice. Simple, straightforward, and error-free.
All working hours captured by geoCapture's GPS transmitters are forwarded directly to Sage applications.
- Sage Payroll XL
- Sage50 Handwerk
- Sage HR Suite Plus
All data can be processed directly. This saves you unnecessary duplicate data entry and prevents errors.
- Transfer of times and projects
- Transfer of total working hours by day or month
- Time tracking via GPS
- Break time stamps
- Data transmission via mobile network
- Live tracking

With geoCapture's time tracking system, you can easily and conveniently capture the working hours of your mobile employees. The recorded times are transferred directly to Sage Payroll XL, Sage 50 Handwerk, and Sage HR Suite Plus for further processing. This saves you from the hassle of double data entry and helps prevent errors.
geoCapture makes time tracking a breeze. All employees can easily and conveniently stamp their working hours while in the vehicle. When an employee stamps their time in the vehicle, the GPS transmitters in the vehicle transmit the time, employee, vehicle, and GPS position over the mobile network directly to geoCapture. Shortly after stamping, all data is accessible in your system, ensuring you always have the exact working hours of your employees.
Stationary Time Tracking
In addition to stamping in the vehicle, your employees have the option to track their working hours at the company's premises using a stationary wall device. geoCapture relies on the versatile terminals from Datafox for this purpose. All stamps are transmitted directly to geoCapture via the network. This way, you can access all data in a single system.
Easy Payroll Processing
geoCapture uses GPS transmitters in the vehicles to determine your employees' working hours. An evaluation of the working hours creates a CSV file that can be easily transferred to Sage Payroll. This process can be carried out on a daily or monthly basis, according to your preference, significantly reducing the effort required for your payroll processing.

The interface from geoCapture to Sage offers many advantages
minimal administrative effort
exact working hours
direct, error-free data transfer
easy operation
elimination of timesheets
robust technology