With Co2control sustainibly fit for the future

Co2-control from geoCapture

Sustainably fit for the future with co2-control

Why CO2control?

To combat climate change, the energy transition is already a political and social reality. Companies must face up to the challenges of the energy transition in order to remain fit for the future. With CO2control from geoCapture, you have the solution to effectively monitor and reduce your CO₂ emissions.

How does CO2control work?

CO2control uses GPS transmitters in vehicles and machines to record precise performance data such as mileage, operating hours and fuel consumption. The manufacturer's data on CO₂ emissions is automatically determined based on the chassis number. This allows you to precisely calculate the CO₂ emissions of your fleet.

Your advantages with CO2control

Recognize CO₂ guzzlers

Identify CO₂-intensive vehicles quickly
and replace them with modern electric vehicles.

Project-related CO₂ emissions

Get detailed CO₂ emissions for your
projects and construction sites at the touch of a button.

Competitive advantage

Reduce your CO₂ emissions and
improve your chances in public tenders.

CO₂-emissions are decisive when awarding contracts

Many clients, especially in the public sector, are placing more and more importance on sustainability criteria such as CO₂ emissions. This gives companies with low CO₂ values a decisive competitive advantage. It also promotes environmentally friendly practices and reduces the ecological footprint.


Improve ESG score - secure a sustainable future

The ESG score evaluates a company in the areas of environmental, social and corporate governance. A high score improves your creditworthiness and reduces risks and costs. At the same time, it strengthens the trust of customers and employees. Companies should improve their ESG score in order to be sustainable and successful.

CO₂ emissions are a key factor in the ESG score. CO2control from geoCapture helps you to sustainably reduce your company's CO₂ emissions. This makes you fit for the future.

Frequently asked questions

  • What is CO2control from geoCapture?

    With CO2control, you can monitor the CO₂ emissions of your vehicles and machines and reduce them sustainably. The tool uses GPS transmitters to record performance data such as mileage, operating hours and fuel consumption. The chassis number is used to determine the manufacturer's data on CO₂ emissions and thus calculate the emissions of your fleet.

    CO2control helps companies to improve their environmental footprint and prepare for future sustainability challenges.

  • How does CO2control calculate my CO₂ emissions?

    CO2control uses GPS transmitters that are installed in your vehicles and machines. This records performance data such as mileage, operating hours and fuel consumption, and uses the chassis numbers to retrieve the manufacturer's data on CO₂ emissions.

    This data is combined to calculate the CO₂ emissions of your fleet. This allows you to identify CO₂ guzzlers in your fleet and replace them with modern e-vehicles.

  • What is the ESG score?

    The ESG score is a rating that classifies companies in the areas of environmental, social and governance.

    The environmental area ("E") is weighted at 60% in the score and includes, for example, emissions, resource consumption and eco-taxes. Social ("S"), e.g. labor law standards and equal remuneration, is given a weighting of 30%. The last point, corporate governance ("G"), is given a weighting of 10%. This includes anti-corruption measures and human rights in the supply chain.

    A high ESG score shows that a company acts responsibly, applies sustainable practices and pursues ethical business practices.

    CO₂ emissions play an important role in the environmental section of the ESG score. A low CO₂ emission can improve the ESG score, which attracts investors, reduces risks and strengthens the trust of customers and employees.

  • What data does CO2control collect?

    CO2control records a large number of data points via GPS transmitters in your vehicles. These include

    • Mileage: The kilometers driven by each vehicle.
    • Operating hours: The running time of machines and vehicles.
    • Fuel consumption: The fuel consumption in liters or kWh for electric vehicles.
    • Chassis number: To determine specific manufacturer data on CO₂ emissions.

    The data is used for a precise calculation of your CO₂ emissions.

  • Why does CO2control help me with public tenders?

    Public clients in particular are placing increasing importance on sustainability criteria such as CO₂ emissions when awarding contracts. Knowing their own ecological footprint gives companies a decisive competitive advantage now and in the future.

    With CO2control, you can provide precise evidence of your CO₂ emissions. Companies with demonstrably lower emissions are often given preference in tenders. This not only promotes environmentally friendly practices, but also improves your chances of winning contracts in the public sector.

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Get sustainably fit for the future with CO2control now.

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